My February focus landed on a concept called Feelings Findings. I focused on how I felt when I mixed up some of my long time habits. Although, I mentioned last month that I was going to focus on finances, I chose to blog about Feelings Findings instead. It seemed to be a better fit for Feelings Fitness & more interesting too! One example of my Feelings Findings this month was moving my cell phone from my night stand at night into my walk in closet instead. It is now at a distance where I can still hear my alarm go off in the morning & the phone ringing if there is some emergency, but it is not easily accessible from my bed. When my alarm goes off in the morning, instead of being able to hit the snooze button, I must get up out of bed & turn it off. I have found that if I just get moving, I am ready to get the day started without needing that snooze time. Also, this keeps me from late night scrolling through anything from Facebook to Instagram to emails, etc. It truly has been a feeling of liberation. (no more phone on nightstand) (new night time charging spot) Another example, I brought “old school” back a bit. I got out my Five Star mini-notebook, my Kate Spade address book/daily planner & my wooden #2 pencils that require a sharpener. I know technology is the way of the future, but I found that I prefer to stick with a few old school habits. I like knowing that my contacts won’t disappear during an update, I can just simply use an eraser if someone has new information to be added to my paper address book & I can brainstorm ideas in my notebook using my pencil to doodle here and there. No, I have not completely ditched my electronics, but I am enjoying a little more simplicity old school style. Technology did, however, come in handy when it came to thinking about my coffee habits. I found that I feel less rushed & much happier if I wake up to the fresh smell of coffee. I now grind beans & get the coffee pot all set up in the evening. As I clean up the kitchen after dinner, I just take a few extra minutes to prepare the coffee pot & set the timer. The fresh brewed coffee smell & the ability to just pour a hot cup(into my favorite mug) with no morning time hassle is freeing! So, keep an eye out for new Feelings Findings. I’ll be posting them on my Facebook page(@feelingsfitness) as they emerge. Test out some of my findings & be sure to create & share your own Feelings Findings.
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The holiday season is so wild and crazy which lends itself to a lot of new junk entering the house, especially with kids in the picture. For this reason, I choose to “de-junk” in January. I’d love to start the new year fresh, with all of this stuff already out the door or organized properly, but it just isn’t realistic. So, I embrace “de-junk” January & start a bit more fresh in February. The cabinets, closets, drawers and any other spot that is a breeding ground for junk has now been addressed. My de-junk January task is not yet complete and has spilled over into February, but it is well on its way to completion and I feel good about that. My busy yoga training schedule has not allowed me to keep up with all of the little toys the kids have accumulated lately, so I just got a few big plastic bins & piled it all in. I haven’t been questioned about any missing prized possessions, so until that happens, the bins will remain out of sight, and out of mind. Although, it may seem somewhat wasteful, I like to start the year out with fresh ingredients in my kitchen. I do my best, as each year ends, to use up whatever I have stocked in my pantry, baking cabinet, and refrigerator. I do some extra baking and whip up some new meal combinations to make use of the items on hand. Then I toss the remaining stuff and replace it with fresh ingredients. I am a bit of a stickler for code dates, even though I know often times it’s just a ploy to get you to buy new stuff…but, then again, maybe it’s not… It just feels good to start the year fresh! Donations and recycling is always a part of my de-junking system. I currently have a box of electrical cords that I have no idea what they go to anymore and simply need to be recycled. I also have a pile of electronics that need to find their way to either a proper donation site or a proper recycling sight. With young kids in the house, we go through lots of batteries, so I have a box of used batteries that needs to work its way out the door to a recycling center as well! Some brands, such as Kiehls, offer recycling programs for their products. I use Kiehls skin care products and collect the bottles to be returned to the store in exchange for free products. It’s a win-win program! These are just a few examples of the donation/recycling that I do during my de-junk January routine! I feel confident that I can wrap up my January project and still go ahead and start my February project. What is my February project? Finances, fun!
January 2024
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